
Saturday 15 February 2014

Winter Never Gonna Say Bye

Few days back we had bid farewell to winter. But winter is back again and yet with its full energy. It has been four or five days that morning has lost its warmth. The sun has not showed up since. Clouds have taken over the sky and have made it almost impossible for the sun to make his presence felt. The grass on the ground is desperately missing the warmth of sprinkling sunlight. Dew drops have also not formed since. The little puppies have recoiled to their cozy shelter and spending all the morning time with their mother. The grassy ground is missing their company. The grassy ground seems unhappy with clouds as they have spoiled its dream to receive ornamental decoration of dew drops. 

 The newspaperwallah have to put on his muffler again to shield him against the piercing cold breeze. He seems jealous of chaywallah. Chaywallah has doubled its stocks of things and started to come a bit early in the morning to cash the chilly morning.

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